We are almost at that time of the year when the weather gets warmer and I know that you have many plans on how to spend more time outdoors. One of those things should be an outdoor kitchen. Having an outdoor kitchen is one of the best ways to spend more time outdoors while extending your living space. If you are reading this but don’t want an outdoor kitchen then you may want to think of a hardwood pergola instead.
Besides, it is a good way to entertain during the warmer months of the year. I know that you may be imagining how cool cooking in an outdoor kitchen is and would like to have one.Here are some of the things you need to consider when designing an outdoor kitchen and making it functional:
The Kind of Lighting
Task lighting is important for an outdoor kitchen. Apart from giving you light while you prepare and cook food, lighting can create ambiance and make your guests feel safe during the gathering. So, it is good to ensure that you have the right kind of lighting in your outdoor kitchen.
An Ice Maker
Having an ice maker in your outdoor kitchen will help you avoid going inside over and over again. This offers functionality and saves time and makes it more convenient for both you and your guests.
Warming Drawers
If you will be cooking food for a medium to a large number of people and serving them at once, then a warming drawer will be ideal for you. This is because it will keep the food warm. Apart from keeping actual food like burgers, steaks, and hotdogs in a warm drawer, you can warm plates and keep your bread and burns warm with a warming drawer.
Pizza Oven
A pizza oven can be a good option for you if you have the space for it. There are different options to choose from including portable ovens and built-in wood-fired ovens. A pizza oven can be ideal for you especially if you love eating pizza, have pizza parties or your family loves pizza.
A Coffee and Tea Bar
Even though a coffee and tea bar is noticeably smaller than a full bar it gives you an organized space that can enable you to streamline making tea and coffee for your guests. These tend to be a cart or a standing counter area with a teapot, coffee maker, maybe a sink, and a place to store the coffee and tea. You can also consider adding drawers for forks and dessert plates to this space.
The 7 things we have mentioned in this article are not the only things to consider when designing an outdoor kitchen. There are other options that you can consider. If you would like the biggest and coolest grilling station or the most advanced ventilation system, have it. However, the first thing you should consider when you think of having an outdoor kitchen is the design. This will help you have a functional, organized, and beautiful kitchen.